I took a small break to celebrate a friends B-Day and for a beer (or two...*gasp*...*wink*) on St. Paddy's day but have otherwise been focusing on getting my data to the point where I can make pretty graphs and do some statistics on it. To do this I use Matlab, computer software that can handle computationally intensive user written programs...when you have thousands of data points you need something to help you get a handle on it!
Just so those of you who are thinking about going in to marine biology (or biology in general) know and to clarify a common misconception about the field....it is NOT an escape from math, computer programming, physics, chemistry, electrical engineering, plumbing, basic carpentry, innovative thinking (ie: MacGyver skills...now I am showing my age!), critical thinking, etc...these are all skills I use monthly and most of them daily... lets just say it was a rude awakening but I wouldn't trade it for anything...where else do you get so much variety?? :)

So now that I have told you what I have been doing for the last 10 days... I am going to tell you why I am doing it! Or...what it is I am studying to have thousands of data points!!
Essentially, it all has to do with this plant:
I know you are saying to yourself...What does this all mean?...and...Why is it important??
I will address these questions in a series of posts since the eelgrass story is not a simple one...
The Eelgrass story
Part 1: What is eelgrass and where is it found?
Part 2: Ecosystem services defined
Part 3: The services of eelgrass ecosystems
Part 4: Human Impacts on eelgrass ecosystems
Part 4.5: The scourge of eelgrass: Eutrophication demystified
Part 5: The status of eelgrass in Canada
I want to give you background on the plant and where it is found, details on what ecosystem services are and which ones eelgrass provide, the causes and consequences of nutrient enrichment (ie: eutrophication), how these systems and services are impacted by humans and why they are important to not only to the animals and plants living there but also their importance in the bigger picture...their importance to us. It is in this context that I will explain my research.
I hope to post on this at least once a week, with all kinds of nice photos of my field work!!! I am hoping to have the first installment ready in the next couple of days...fingers crossed that Matlab doesn't explode and keep me from posting!!!
Gotta run, one program is done!!!
Happy Wednesday!