Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

Today is Father's Day and unfortunately, my Dad is in Ontario. Although, I cannot celebrate with him in person and I was a slacker at getting his gift sent (:s)... I will spend the day doing things that we would do together (clean the car and have a beer), that he would want me to do (clean the car... and work on my thesis) and that I would do for him (make jam!).
Speaking of jam... Here is you gift Dad! Homemade spicy ginger-rhubard jam that is delicious on ice cream (and anything else you want to put it on)!! I will send it out next week. :)

Gingered Rhubarb Jam (slightly modified from this recipe)


  • 4 cups diced fresh rhubarb
  • 3 cups sugar
  • 3 tablespoons finely chopped candied ginger
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice

Combine rhubarb, sugar, ginger, and lemon juice in a large saucepan and let stand until sugar is moistened by juices (~20 min). Cook over medium-high heat, stirring often, until thick and clear (~15 min). Ladle into hot sterilized canning jars and seal immediately and use within 3 weeks. However, if you want to keep it longer term then process the sealed jars in a boiling water bath for about 10 mins.

To make the jam, I needed candied I made my own and it really is quite simple.
I used this recipe which I won't reproduce because his instructions are great and photos are beautiful!

Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's out there!

1 comment:

  1. I think I would probably love that jam. I've printed the recipe and might just go ahead and make it. I LOVE ginger. Hope all is well with you. Have a good beginning of the week.
